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This feature allows you to combine related transactions, making it easier to monitor expenses. For instance, it can be useful in tracking expenses for a trip or organizing rent payments.

This past summer Stephen went on vacation to Canada with a few friends. He saved up $700 to spend on the trip, but once he got home realized he spent nearly twice the amount he expected. He doesn't plan on making that same mistake twice! On his next trip to Denver, he makes sure to use Piere's group function. He adds his transactions to the group as he spends to know where his money is going and how much he has left for the rest of his time in Denver.

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To start, select one of the transactions you would like to be in the group, or navigate to the 'Groups' tab

Then, select the remaining associated transactions and click "Group" in the top right. This will allow you to add these transactions to an existing group or create a new one

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Once complete you will see your group listed in the 'Group' tab where you can view, add, and even share these transactions with your friends (coming soon)

You can quickly add transactions by clicking on your group, which will bring up the group management page and with it the "Add Transactions" button

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After clicking "Add Transactions" you will see all the transactions currently in the group as well as a list of all transactions that can be added to the group. Simply select the ones you want to add and click "Add to Group"

The group feature is the perfect tool for gaining visibility into your finances. Groups are also helpful for peer-to-peer payments. If you pay for a dinner with your friends you can create a group to associate their repayments before reconciling. Useful when you're waiting on that one friend who always takes forever.

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